A Unit of the Office of Policy &
NOTE: You must have the Adobe® Acrobat Reader to use these files.
American Foundation for the Blind-Southeast
100 Peachtree Street, Suite 620
Atlanta, GA 30303
(404) 525-2303
E-mail: atlanta@afb.net
Web: http://www.afb.org/
Bipolar support group for parents
of kids with early-onset Bipolar Disorder
Web: http://www.groups.yahoo.com/group/MAPBPKIDS
C. Boga
Ste 420, 530 Means Street NW
Atlanta, GA 30318
(404) 607-1600; Fax: (404) 607-1355
E-mail: tboga@lawyer.com
I represent families who are trying to secure a free appropriate public
education for their children.
Brain Injury Association of Georgia
1447 Peachtree Street, N.E., Suite 810
Atlanta, GA 30309
(404) 817-7577
Web: http://www.braininjuryga.org/
Chapter 160: Rules of GA Dept. of
(Children & Adults with Attention/Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder)
GA CHADD E-newsletter: GA-CHADDer-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
GA ADHD E-newsletter: GA-ADHDe-news-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
GA ADHD Parent List: GA-ADHDParentSupport-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
GA ADHD Adult List: GA-ADHDAdultSupport-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
of Gwinnett & Dekalb Counties
Beth Butler, Coordinator
1729 Willard Way, Snellville, GA 30078
(770) 736-5519
E-mail: bbutlerchadd@earthlink.net
Web: www.chaddonline.org/chapters/chadd528.html
CHADD offers education and support for parents who have children with
of Rockdale County
Beth Butler, Coordinator
1729 Willard Way, Snellville, GA 30078
(770) 736-5519
E-mail: bbutlerchadd@earthlink.net
Web: www.chaddonline.org/chapters/chadd30D.html
CHADD offers education and support for parents who have children with
County and North Atlanta CHADD
(770) 736-5519
E-mail: NorthAtlantaCHADD@yahoo.com
Web: www.CHADDGA.org
with Special Needs
DHR/Division of Public Health/Family Health Branch
Babies Can't Wait Program (Birth - 3)
Children's Medical Services (Birth - 21)
2 Peachtree Street, Suite 11-205
Atlanta, GA 30303-3186
E-mail: skmoss@dhr.state.ga.us
Web: www2.state.ga.us/departments/DHR/
Client Assistance Program
123 N. McDonough Street
Decatur, GA 30030
(404) 373-2040 (V/TTY); (800) 822-9727 (in GA only)
E-mail: GaCAPDirector@theOmbudsman.com
Web: www.theOmbudsman.com/CAP/
Down Syndrome Association of Atlanta
3232 Cobb Parkway, #213
Atlanta, GA 30339
(404) 320-3233
Web: http://www.down-syndrome-atlanta.org/
The GA-AdvocatesNetwork is an exciting new list service designed
to set up a State wide network of special needs Advocates in GA to
disseminate information to each other and to discuss advocacy matters.
We welcome parent advocates, professional advocates, non-profit agency
advocates, and state department advocates. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GA-AdvocatesNetwork
The GA-ChildrensNetwork is a list service in Georgia designed to provide
much needed information and support for parents and grandparents of
children with special needs. Parents and professionals are members
of the list and will offer support and sound advice. The list is screened
for confidentiality and privacy reasons. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GA-ChildrensNetwork/
The AD/HD e-newsletter is an on-line e-mail newsletter used to disseminate
info about AD/HD and co-morbid disorders to interested parties. Types
of notices sent: support group meeting notices, disability and advocacy
info, local disability org info, research, special education related
info, and misc. articles. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GA-ADHDe-news/
The GA-ADHDParentSupport
list serv is a closed and confidential list which requires introductions
for approved membership. We invite parents, advocates, professionals
and educators for the sole purpose of learning about AD/HD, co-morbid
disorders, advocacy and educational/legal issues. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GA-ADHDParentSupport/
The GA
AD/HDAdultSupport list is a closed and confidential discussion list
serv open to Adults with AD/HD, professionals and others with an interest
in Adult AD/HD and co-morbid disorders. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GA-ADHDAdultSupport/
Easter Seals North Georgia
3035 N. Druid Hills Road
Atlanta, GA 30329
(404) 633-9609
E-mail: ddavi08@ibm.net
Emory Regional Perinatal Center
P.O. Box 26015
80 Butler Street, S.E.
Atlanta, GA 30335
E-mail: Karen_Pierce@oz.ped.emory.edu
Web: www.emory.edu/PEDS/NEONATOLOGY/DCP
Epilepsy Foundation of Georgia
100 Edgewood Avenue, N.E., Suite 1200
Atlanta, GA 30303
(404) 527-7155; (800) 527-7105 (In GA)
E-mail: epilepsyga@mindspring.com
Web: http://www.epilepsyga.org/
Steps Consulting
Atlanta, Georgia
(404) 353-5333
E-mail: sgdatty@bellsouth.net
First Steps provides information on local resources and advocacy training
to parents, school personnel, and private providers for all of Georgia
and Tennessee.
Physical Therapy, Inc.
2530-B Mountain Industrial Blvd.
Tucker, GA 30047
(404) 456-3717
E-mail: LFlowers@aol.com
Georgia Child Care Council
2987 Clairmont Road, Suite 220
Atlanta, GA 30329-1687
(404) 679-4880
E-mail: tricialowther@compuserve.com
Web: http://www.gachildcare.org/
Georgia Congress of Parents and Teachers, Inc.
114 Baker Street, N.E.
Atlanta, GA 30308-3366
(404) 659-0214
E-mail: gapta@mindspring.com
Web: http://www.georgiapta.org/
Georgia Department of Education
1870 Twin Towers East,
Atlanta, GA 30334
Tel. (404) 656-3963 Fax (404) 651-6457
(800) 311-3627 Toll Free Restrictions: GA residents only
Legal Services Program
1100 Spring Street, N.W., Suite 200
Atlanta, GA 30309
(404) 206-5175
E-mail: ttogut@glsp.org
At Georgia Legal Services, I will representing special education clients
who are indigent and qualify for our services. We serve 154 (there
are 159) counties in Georgia.
Georgia Parent Support Network
1381 Metropolitan Parkway
Atlanta, GA 30310
(404) 758-4500; (800) 832-8645; Fax: (404) 758-6833
E-mail: gpsn@mindspring.com
Web: http://www.gpsn.org/
Georgia Parent Support Network (GPSN) is dedicated to providing support,
education, and advocacy for children and youth with mental illness,
emotional disturbances, and behavioral differences and their families.
Georgia Speech-Language-Hearing
P.O. Box 6708
Athens, GA 30604
(706) 613-0144
E-mail: exdir@gsha.org
Web: http://www.gsha.org/
Georgia State Board of Education
Rules Pertaining to Exceptional Students
Law Office of K. Lea Goodman
Lea Goodman, Esq.
P.O. Box 4291
Alpharetta, GA 30023
(770) 722-7888
E-mail: leagoodman@lycos.com
As a parent of a child with cerebral palsy, I have dedicated my family
law practice to the representation of parents and children who need
assistance in the areas of divorce, custody, child support and special
needs trusts.
203 State Capitol
Atlanta, GA 30334
(404) 656-1776
Web: www.state.ga.us/governor/
Governor's Council on Developmental
Disabilities for Georgia
Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities
2 Peachtree Street, N.W., 3rd Floor, Suite 210
Atlanta, GA 30303-3142
(404) 657-2120; (888) 275-4233
E-mail: eej@dhr.state.ga.us
Web: http://www.ga-ddcouncil.org/
Vision Center - The Place for Optometry & Vision Therapy
Dawne Knerr or Dr. Kimberley A. Linert
101 Pilgrim Village Drive, Suite 400
Cumming, GA 30040
(678)455-7506; Fax: (678) 455-7508
E-mail: dawne@att.net or kalinert@att.net
Web: www.incredible-vision-center.com
We provide vision therapy services to eliminate blurred & double
vision & perceptual problems. If your bright child is struggling
with reading or has a short attention span he may have a vision problem.
International Dyslexia Association
Georgia Branch (AL, GA)
1951 Greystone Road
Atlanta, GA 30318
(H) (404) 256-1232
Ladder Therapeutic Riding Center, Inc.,
We provide for children & adults an opportunity to ride horses
as an outlet to meet their recreational needs. We service many different
types of differently abled individuals. We are open 5 days a week,
all year. For more information, please call Leslie Jacobs at (229)
Learning Disabilities Association of
P.O. Box 1337
Roswell, GA 30077
(770) 514-8088
National Mental Health Association of Georgia
100 Edgewood Avenue, N.E., Suite 502
Atlanta, GA 30303
(404) 527-7175
Web: http://www.nmhag.org/
3125 Presidential Parkway, Suite 335
Atlanta, GA 30340
(770) 234-0855; (800) 728-1052
E-mail: NAMI-GA@nami.org
Web: ga.nami.org
Office of State Coordinator of
Vocational Education for Students with Disabilities
Department of Education
Vocational Education Special Needs Unit
1752 Twin Towers East
Atlanta, GA 30334
(404) 657-8324
E-mail: jchandle@doe.k12.ga.us
Collaborative for Children & Families
445 Paulding Lane
Dallas, GA 30132
(770) 443-1660
Prader-Willi Syndrome Association of
Georgia, Inc. (PWSA/GA)
Hope Mays, Exec. Dir.
PO Box 659
Roswell, GA 30077
or 1146 Green Street
Roswell, GA 30075
metro Atlanta
877-518-4795- toll free
Fax: 770-642-1327
E-mail: pwsaga@aol.com
Website: www.pwsaga.org
The mission of PWSA/GA is to provide information, education,
and family support that will empower people with Prader-Willi Syndrome
to lead quality lives as productive citizens.
Educating Parents and Professionals for All Children (PEPPAC)
8318 Durelee Lane Suite 101
Douglas, GA 30134
(770) 577-7771
E-mail: PEPPAC@bellsouth.net
Web: www.peppac.org
Parents Educating Parents and Professionals,
Inc. (PEPP, Inc.)
6613 E. Church Street, Suite 100
Douglasville, GA 30134
(770) 577-7771; (800) 322-7065
E-mail: <>peppac@bellsouth.net
Web: http://www.peppac.org/
Parent to Parent of Georgia, Inc.
3805 Presidential Parkway, Suite 207
Atlanta, GA 30340
(770) 451-5484
E-mail: info@parenttoparentofga.org
Web: http://www.parenttoparentofga.org/
Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
Georgia Congress of Parents and Teachers,
Parent Training Information Project
Parents Educating Parents & Professional for All Children(PEPPAC)
6613 Church Street, Suite 100
Douglasville, GA 30134
(770) 577-7771
Programs for Children with Disabilities:
Ages 3 through 5
Young Children Special Education
Georgia Department of Education
1870 Twin Towers East
Atlanta, GA 30334-5060
(404) 657-9955
E-mail: slangston@doh.k12.ga.us
Web: www.doe.k12.ga.us/sla/exceptional/exceptional.html
Programs for Children with Special Health Care Needs
Adolescent Health & Youth Development
2 Peachtree Street, N.W., Suite 8-206
Atlanta, GA 30303
(404) 657-2850
Programs for Infants and Toddlers
with Disabilities: Ages Birth through 2
Babies Can't Wait Program
Division of Public Health
Department of Human Resources
2 Peachtree Street, Room 11-206
Atlanta, GA 30303-3186
(404) 657-2726
E-mail: skmoss@dhr.state.ga.us
Web: www2.state.ga.us/departments/DHR/
for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities:
Ages Birth through 2
Babies Can't Wait Program
Office of Children with Special Needs
Family Health Branch
Division of Public Health
Department of Human Resources
2 Peachtree Street, Room 11-206
Atlanta, GA 30303-3186
(404) 657-2726
E-mail: skmoss@dhr.state.ga.us
Web: www.health.state.ga.us/programs/BCW/index.shtml
Programs for Children with Special Health Care Needs
Children's Medical Services
Office of Children with Special Needs
Family Health Branch
Division of Public Health
Department of Human Resources
2 Peachtree Street, Room 11-206
Atlanta, GA 30303-3186
(404) 657-2726
Email: lmoore@dhr.state.ga.us
Web: www.health.state.ga.us/programs/CMS/
Protection and Advocacy Agency
Georgia Advocacy Office, Inc.
999 Peachtree Street, N.E., Suite 870
Atlanta, GA 30309
(404) 885-1234
(800) 537-2329 (in GA only)
Protection and Advocacy Agency
Georgia Advocacy Office, Inc.
100 Crescent Centre Parkway, Suite 520
Tucker, GA 30084
(404) 885-1234 (V/TTY); (800) 537-2329 (in GA only)
E-mail: info@thegao.org
Web: http://thegao.org/
Regional ADA Technical Assistance
Southeast Disability and Business Technical Assistance Center
490 10th Street
Atlanta, GA 30318
(404) 385-0636 (V/TTY); (800) 949-4232
E-mail: se-dbtac@mindspring.com
Web: http://www.sedbtac.org/
Rules of the State Board of Education
including Vocational & GT
Special Education Consultant/Advocate
1105 Rock Pointe Look
Woodstock, GA 30188
(770) 442-8357; (770) 442-5507 Fax
E-mail: sadlerpc@prodigy.net
Web: www.IEPAdvocate4You.com
I am the parent of two special needs children. I help parents of other
special needs children with special education issues and attend IEP
meetings. Rate $25 hour.
Scottish Rite Clinic (Main Campus)
Health Care of Atlanta
at Scottish Rite
1001 Johnsons Ferry Road, NE
Atlanta, GA 30342
Telephone: (404) 257-3222
North Point (Satellite)
3795 Mansell Road
Alpharetta, GA 30202
Telephone: (770) 645-1657
Scottish Rite at Fayette (Satellite)
1265 Highway 54 West
Suite 200
Fayetteville, GA 30214-4521
Telephone (770) 719-5725
Gwinnett (Satellite)
4850 Sugarloaf Pkwy #501
Lawrenceville, GA 30044
Telephone: (770) 682-3508
Cobb (Satellite)
1371 Church Street Extension
Marietta, GA 30060
Telephone: (770) 427-2557
Scottish Rite in the Southern
Crescent (Satellite)
81 Upper Riverdale Road
Suite 200
Riverdale, GA 30274
Telephone: (770) 907-5939
Scottish Rite Communicative Disorders
Center at Armstrong Atlantic State University
11935 Abercorn Street
Savannah, GA 31419-1997
Telephone: (912) 961-3066
Leni Bentley, Melissa Strickland
109 Jana Ct.
Warner Robins, Ga 31088
478-953-7459 or 478-953-9198
E-mail: skipp4kids@yahoo.com
Web: http://www.groups.msn.com\skipp
We are a support group "SKIPP" (special kids, involved
parents and professionals) in middle Georgia. We work with families
and professionals that have children with disabilities
Spina Bifida Association of Georgia,
3355 Northeast Expressway, Suite 207
Atlanta, GA 30341
(770) 454-7600
E-mail: sbag@mindspring.com
Web: http://www.spinabifidaofgeorgia.org/
State Department of Education:
Special Education
Division for Exceptional Students
Georgia Department of Education
1870 Twin Towers East
Atlanta, GA 30334
(404) 656-3963
E-mail: ppickens@doe.k12.ga.us
Web: www.doe.k12.ga.us/sla/exceptional/exceptional.html
State Education Agency Rural Representative
Division for Exceptional Students
Georgia Department of Education
1870 Twin Towers East
Atlanta, GA 30334-5060
(404) 656-3963
E-mail: ppickens@doe.k12.ga.us
State Literacy Resource Center
Dept. of Technical and Adult Education
1800 Century Place, Suite 400 Atlanta, GA 30345-4304 (404) 679-1635
State resources on
National Institute for Literacy (NIFL) site
State Mental Health Agency
Division of Mental Health/Mental Retardation/Substance Abuse
Department of Human Resources
2 Peachtree Street, N.W., 22nd Floor
Atlanta, GA 30303-3142
(404) 657-2260
E-mail: jelovrien@dhr.state.ga.us
Web: http://www2.state.ga.us/departments/DHR
State Mental Health Representative for Children and Youth
Division of Mental Health/Mental Retardation/Substance Abuse
Department of Human Resources
2 Peachtree Street, N.W., 23rd Floor
Atlanta, GA 30303-3142
(404) 657-2157
E-mail: dmorgan@dhr.state.ga.us
Web: www2.state.ga.us/Departments/DHR/
State Mental Retardation Program
Division of Mental Health/Mental Retardation/Substance Abuse
Department of Human Resources
2 Peachtree Street, N.W., 23rd Floor
Atlanta, GA 30303-3142
(404) 657-2140
E-mail: chopkins@dhr.state.ga.us
Web: www2.state.ga.us/Departments/DHR/