Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy
The Special Education Survival Guide by Pam Wright & Pete Wright
Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities 
built the Yellow Pages for Kids
with Disabilities so people can get reliable information and support.
Your state Yellow Pages includes many resources - government programs, grassroots
organizations, and parent support groups.
We are adding evaluators, educational consultants,
academic tutors, advocates, attorneys, and others who help parents get services
for their children.The
Yellow Pages are a free
service. If you are interested
in being added to the yellow pages please
us an email.
Yellow Pages Flyer
To get the word out about the Yellow
Pages, we designed flyers
for each state. Please distribute your state Yellow
Pages Flyer at schools, day care centers, libraries, doctor's and psychologist's
offices, community centers, and hospitals. Get your State
Yellow Pages Flyer now!
Note: The groups with a star (*)
next to their names sponsored an advocacy training program by Pete and Pam Wright.
Coalition for Youth with Disabilities
C/O Family Resource Center
135 Rutledge Ave PO Box 250567
Charleston, SC 29425
(843) 876-1519
E-mail: mccarthyb@musc.edu
The Arc of South Carolina
P.O. Box 8707
Columbia, SC 29202
(803) 935-5266
E-mail: TheArcSC@aol.com
* Autism
Society of South Carolina
652 Bush River Road, Suite 203
Columbia, SC 29210
(803) 750-6988; (800) 438-4790; Fax (803) 750-8121
E-mail: scas@scautism.org
Web: http://www.scautism.org/
Brain Injury Association of South
P.O. Box 1912
Orangeburg, SC 29116
(803) 531-3376
E-mail: charlesm@oburg.com
Street Learning Center: Tutoring for Special Needs
12 Branch St.
Greenville, SC 29605
(864) 299-3217
E-mail: Branchstlc@yahoo.com
Branch Street Learning Center is a program designed to help children
that need extra work, but without the extra stress in their education
adventure. This is a low cost program, with a unique individualized
curriculum. We even take field trips.
Center for Disability Resources
University of South Carolina School of Medicine
Columbia, SC 29208
(803) 935-5231 (Admin. Number Only)
(803) 935-5300 (Columbia Area - referrals)
(800) 922-1107 (referrals)
E-mail: deniser@cdd.sc.edu
Client Assistance Program
Office of the Governor
Client Assistant Program
1205 Pendelton St., Room 306
Columbia, SC 29201
(803) 734-0285; (800) 868-0040 (in SC)
(803) 734-1147 (TTY)
E-mail: lbarker@govoepp.state.sc.us
Children and Adults with Attention Deficit
Disorders (CH.A.D.D.)
Web: http://www.chadd.org/findchap.htm
The Council for Exceptional Children
Web: http://www.cec.sped.org/
Department of Disabilities & Special
3440 Harden Street Extension, P.O. Box 4706
Columbia, SC 29240
(803) 898-9769
E-mail: jterry@ddsn.state.sc.us
Web: www.state.sc.us/ddsn
Department of Mental Health
P. O. Box 485
Columbia, SC 29202
(803) 898-8319
E-mail: sms85@co.dmh.state.sc.us
Division of Children, Adolescents
& Their Families
Department of Mental Health
2414 Bull Street, Room 304
Columbia, SC 29201
(803) 898-8350
E-mail: vw143@gw.state.sc.us
Easter Seals South Carolina
3020 Farrow Road
Columbia, SC 29203
(803) 256-0735; (800) 951-4090
E-mail: wcockrell@eastersc.org
Foundation-South Carolina
Bush River Road, Suite 211
Columbia, SC 29210
Phone 803-798-8502; fax 803-798-8591
E- email: epilepsysc@mindspring.com
Web: www.epilepsysc.org
Family Connection of SC, Inc.
2712 Middleburg Drive, Suite 103B
Columbia, SC 29204
(803) 252-0914 (in Columbia)
(864) 331-1340 (in Greenville)
(843) 662-0675 (in Florence)
(800) 578-8750
E-mail: famconn@mindspring.com
Web: http://www.familyconnectionsc.org/
Voices of South Carolina
M. New
P O Box 71
Aiken, SC 29802
(803) 643-8941
(803) 641-1510 Fax
E-mail: veranew@scescape.net
Family Voices is a grassroots organization that works with families
and children with special health care needs and disabilities. We are
also a clearinghouse for information and education.
Federation of Families of South Carolina
1823 Gadsden Street
Columbia, SC 29201
(800) 375-9894; (803) 779-5363
E-mail: mhasc@mindspring.com
Mark Sanford
P.O. Box 11829
Columbia, SC 29211
(803) 734-9400
Web: www.state.sc.us/governor/
Harrison, LPC
Ashely Therapy Associates
18-B Leinbach Drive
Charleston, SC 29407
(843) 573-5050; Fax: (843) 573-5030
E-mail: rustyharrisonmed@aol.com
Web: www.psychobabble.cc
I am a licensed counselor in private practice specializing in child
and family psychotherapy. I have worked as Staff Psychologist for Ceaveland
Center's Child and Family Division and as Director of Behavioral Services
for the Disabilities Board of Charleston County. I also did consulting
work for the DDSN Boards in Berkeley and Dorchester counties. I am co-host
of a weekly, therapy based, radio show called Psychobabble, on 1250
WTMA in Charleston.
Attorney at Law
15 Broad Street
Charleston, SC 29401
(843) 805-7155
Fax: (843) 805-7156
E-mail: suzanne.hawkins@law.com
Web: http://www.scspecialedlaw.com
International Dyslexia Association
South Carolina Branch
213 Hominy Hills
Six Mile, SC 29682
(803) 772-8065
Disabilities Association of SC
P.O. Box 1592
Cayce, SC 29033
(803) 896-8478
Web: http://www.gabn.net/weldon/ldasc/
5 Stone Dale Dr.
Simpsonville, SC 29681
(864) 525-1625
E-mail: TMalpass@charter.net
Assess, Inc.
PO Box 26671
Greenville, SC 29607-3337
E-mail: Lindaerickson@aol.com
(864) 288-4801; Fax: (864) 289-9893
We are Certified Life Care Planners and Certified Nurse Case Managers
who work with families, attorneys, trust funds, and insurance companies
planning for the future medical needs of disabled children and adults.
Mental Health Association in SC
1823 Gadsden Street
Columbia, SC 29201
(803) 779-5363
E-mail: mhasc@mindspring.com
National Adult Literacy & Learning
Disabilities Center (NALLD)
Academy for Educational Development
1875 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20009-1202
(202) 884-8185
(800) 953-ALLD (953-2553)
FAX: (202) 884-8429
(202) 884-8422
NAMI of South Carolina
Child and Adolescent Family Network
P.O. Box 1267
Columbia, SC 29202
(803) 733-9591/9592; (800) 788-5131
E-mail: namiofsc@logicsouth.com
Web: www.namisc.org
Education, Support, and Advocacy for families with Behavioral Disordered
Office of Career and Technology Education
Rutledge Building, 9th Floor, Room 916A
Columbia, SC 29201
(803) 734-3386
E-mail: pfayson@sde.state.sc.us
Office of State Coordinator of
Vocational Education
for Students with Disabilities
Education Associate
Office of Occupational Education
Rutledge Building, 9th Floor, 924
Columbia, SC 29201
(803) 734-8486
Vision Quest Farm, Inc.
Tina C. Outlaw, BSW, LMSW
2919 Jeffords Rd. N.
Lamar, SC 29069
(843) 857-0298
E-mail: OVQF@earthlink.net
Web: http://www.outlawsvisionquest.com/index.html
We are a Comprehensive, full-service horse farm specializing in Therapeutic
services for children with mental and physical challenges, and their
families. We are a member of NARHA and will pursue accreditation in
the next year. We have been also certified in Equine Assisted/Facilitated
Therapy by EGALA.
Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
South Carolina Congress of Parents and Teachers
1826 Henderson Street
Columbia, SC 29201-2619
(800) 743-3782
652 Bush River Road, Suite 218
Columbia, SC 29210
(800) 759-4776 or (803) 772-5688
E-mail: PROparents@aol.com
Web: http://www.Proparents.org
Programs for Children with Disabilities:
Ages 3 through 5
Education Associate
Office of Programs for Expectional Children
1429 Senate Street, 8th Floor
Columbia, SC 29201
(803) 734-8811
Progrmas for Children with Special
Health Care Needs
Division of Children with Special Health Care Needs
Department of Health & Environmental Control
1751 Calhoun Street, Box 101106
Columbia, SC 29201
(803) 898-0789
E-mail: priceld@columb60.dhec.state.sc.us
Programs for Infants and Toddlers
with Disabilities: Ages Birth through 2
Part H Coordinator
Dept. of Health & Environmental Control/Baby Net
Robert Mills Complex, Box 101106
Columbia, SC 29211
(803) 737-4046
Protection and Advocacy for People
with Disabilities
3710 Landmark Drive, Suite
Columbia, SC 29204
(803) 782-0639; Toll free: (866) 275-7273
E-mail: Info@protectionandadvocacy-sc.org
Scottish Rite Center for Childhood
Language Disorders (Planning Stage)
Scottish Rite Temple
1051 Sam Rittenberg Boulevard
Charleston, SC 29407
(843) 571-4699
Scottish Rite Center for Childhood
Language Disorders
Scottish Rite Temple
7230 Sumter Highway
Columbia, SC 29290-2107
(803) 776-5474; Fax: (803) 776-5099
Scottish Rite Center for Childhood
Language Disorders
Scottish Rite Temple
P.O. Box 5776
Greenville, SC 29606-5776
817 Cleveland Street
Greenville, SC 29601-4412
(864) 232-5430
South Carolina Assistive
Technology Program
USC School of Medicine
Center for Disability Resources
Columbia, SC 29208
Phone: (803) 935-5263
Phone: (803) 935-5263 (V/TDD)
Fax: (803) 935-5342
Web: http://www.public.usit.net/jjendron
South Carolina Commission for the
P.O. Box 79
Columbia, SC 29202-0079
(803) 898-8822
South Carolina Congress of Parents
and Teachers
1826 Henderson Street
Columbia, SC 29201-2619
(800) 743-3782
E-mail: sc_office@pta.org
Web: www.myschoolonline.com/SC/SCPTA
South Carolina DD Council
1205 Pendleton Street, Room 372
Columbia, SC 29201
(803) 734-0465
E-mail: clang@govoepp.state.sc.us
South Carolina Department of Disabilities
and Special Needs
For People with Severe, Lifelong Disabilities
Web: http://www.state.sc.us/ddsn/
South Carolina Department of Education
1006 Rutledge Building
1429 Senate Street
Columbia, SC 29201
(803) 734-8492 FAX: (803) 734-3389
South Carolina School for the Deaf
and the Blind
355 Cedar Springs Road
Spartanburg, SC 29302-4699
(864) 585-7711
E-mail: sbreitweiser@scsdb.k12.sc.us
Web: http://www.scsdb.k12.sc.us/
South Carolina Services Information System
Center for Disability Resources
University of South Carolina School of Medicine
Columbia, SC 29208
E-mail: riversd@dhhs.state.sc.us
South Carolina Speech-Language-Hearing
3008 Millwood Avenue
Columbia, SC 29205
(803) 252-5646
E-mail: info@scsha.com
Southeast Disability & Business Technical
Assistance Center (SEDBTAC), Region 4
Web: http://www.sedbtac.org/
State Department of Education
Office of Exceptional Children
1429 Senate Street, Room 808
Columbia, SC 29201
(803) 734-8806
E-mail: sdurant@sde.state.sc.us
State Department of Education - Office
of Exceptional Children
1429 Senate Street, 8th floor
Columbia, SC 29201-3730
State Developmental Disabilities
Planning Council
Executive Director
SC DD Council
Edgar Brown Bldg.
1205 Pendleton Street, Room 372
Columbia, SC 29201
(803) 734-0465
State Disabilities
and Special Needs
Web: http://www.state.sc.us/ddsn
State Education Agency Rural Representative
Education Associate
Orthopedically Handicapped, Department of Education
Office of Technical Assistance
1429 Senate Street, 506 Rutledge Bldg.
Columbia, SC 29201-3730
(803) 734-8223
State Resources on National Institute
for Literacy
Web: http://www.nifl.gov/nifl/ld/states/sc.html
State Vocational Rehabilitation
Vocational Rehabilitation Department
1410 Boston Avenue, P.O. Box I5
West Columbia, SC 29171-OOl5
(803) 896-6504
Technology Related Assistance
Project Director
SC Assistive Technology Program
USC School of Medicine
Center for Disability Resources
Columbia, SC 29208
(803) 935-5263
Title 59 - Education Chapter 33. Special
Education for Handicapped Children - South Carolina General Assembly
Web: http://www.lpitr.state.sc.us/code/t59c033.htm
J. Tuck
Attorney at Law
P.O. Box 2527
Florence, SC 29503
(843)413-0111; (843)669-7648 fax
E-mail: wjt@orrandervin.com
United Cerebral Palsy Associations,
490 10th Street
Atlanta, GA 30318
(404) 385-0636 (V/TTY); (800) 949-4232
E-mail: se-dbtac@mindspring.com
Web: http://www.sedbtac.org/
University of South Carolina
School of Medicine
Center for Disability Resources
Columbia, SC 29208
(803) 935-5231
E-mail: richardf@cdd.sc.edu
Web: http://uscm.med.sc.edu/CDR/links.htm
VSA arts of South Carolina
P.O. Box 643
Columbia, SC 29202-0643
(803) 931-0620
E-mail: vsasc@aol.com
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